The Polish Franchise Organization has once again been the patron of the Franchise Fair at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. It was worth it – says Monika Dąbrowska, president of PFO.
Why is it worth participating in the Franchise Fair?
The Franchise Fair at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw is a unique opportunity to meet representatives of numerous franchise systems operating on the Polish market. This event attracts the attention of not only industry specialists, but above all crowds of potential franchisees, who can contact the representatives of franchise companies directly to make the final decision regarding the choice of one of the systems. It is also a great opportunity for people who plan to transform their businesses into franchise companies or organize such companies from scratch to seek specialist advice.
What role does the Franchise Fair play for companies developing under license?
For franchise companies, participation in such an event is an instrument that should be harmoniously integrated into the strategy of promoting a given franchise offer. It is the Franchise Fair that is a place where you can effectively present such an offer, e.g. at the Own Business Forum. This is excellent support for advertising and other techniques used by franchise companies to promote their company. Skillfully conducted conversations with potential franchisees during trade fairs can have a significant impact not only on improving the offer, but also allow you to collect opinions that are impossible to obtain in other ways. Franchisees not only have the opportunity to present their brand, but also to examine how it is assessed by potential partners and what changes they expect from it
What does PFO have to offer franchisors?
The Polish Franchisor Organization offers potential licensors advice on individual stages of the organization of a franchise company. The representatives of the organization use their knowledge and experience gained in the franchise companies they represent.